Attorneys can become a KBF Life Fellow through a one-time contribution of $1,250. Alternatively, attorneys may become a Fellow through an initial contribution of $300 and a pledge to contribute an additional $300 per year for the subsequent four years. You may also honor an esteemed colleague’s past or present contributions to the legal profession with a Life Fellow membership.
Kentucky lawyers have a long tradition of helping their neighbors. They provide advice and counsel, often at difficult times, and they keep giving back to their communities even when the work day is over. The KBF Fellows Program recognizes those members of the Kentucky Bar who have shown support for the KBF's mission through their success in the practice of law and their generosity in contributing to the KBF. The program is designed to increase the available funds for grants awarded on an annual basis and to help grow the KBF's endowment fund. Accordingly, seventy-five percent of Fellows contributions support annual grants, while the remainder is designated for the KBF's endowment.
As a Kentucky Bar Association member in good standing, you may become a Life Fellow of the KBF through a one-time contribution of $1,250. Alternatively, you may become a Fellow through an initial contribution of $300 and a pledge to contribute an additional $300 per year for the subsequent four years, at the end of which you will attain the status of Life Fellow. You may also honor an esteemed colleague’s past or present contributions to the legal profession with a Life Fellow membership. Fellows and Life Fellows are recognized by receiving a lapel pin and a certificate (Fellow) or plaque (Life Fellow) at the annual KBF luncheon held each year during the KBA convention. They also periodically receive invitations to activities hosted on their behalf and recognition in the Bench & Bar.
Since the inception of the Fellows Program, more than 1,000 Kentucky attorneys and judges have made a commitment to the future of the Kentucky Bar Foundation by becoming a KBF Fellow. Click here to view the Directory of KBF Fellows.
Payment Options
You may become a KBF Fellow by completing the Fellows Application and mailing it with your contribution to the Kentucky Bar Foundation, 514 W. Main St., Frankfort, KY 40601-1812. Special Fellows payment options are available for young attorneys age 40 and under and attorneys employed by nonprofit or governmental agencies.
Pledges may be paid via check, credit card, or bank account draft. Please indicate your method of payment on your Fellows Application. If you would like to pay your pledge via bank account draft, please also complete this ACH Preauthorized Payment Agreement and submit it with your Fellows Application.